At the Royal Centre of Plastic Surgery, each and every member of our health care team is an integral part in the success of your surgical experience. We are committed to providing the highest level of respect and personalized care to all of our patients.
All employees at Royal Centre of Plastic Surgery are required to take part in regular in-house training, along with ongoing staff education at plastic surgery meetings, in order to ensure complete patient care and satisfaction. At all times, our employees adhere to strict patient privacy as we understand that the nature of our practice is personal and patient confidentiality is paramount in upholding our professional reputation.
Dr. Kenneth Dickie
Board Certified Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, M.D., F.R.C.S. [C]
Amy Mitchell
Nurse Practitioner

Shawnie Dickie
Patient Care Coordinator

Melanie Frazer
Office Administrator

Christine Fontaine
Medical Aesthetician

Elisa Gagliardi
Medical Aesthetician