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5 Side Effects of Body Contouring You Need To Know

It’s important to know that body contouring procedures can cause body contouring side effects. Often patients lose weight by means of gastric bypass or lap bands. But diet and exercise can result in rapid weight loss as well. 

When this weight loss occurs, it can leave excess skin, which is unsightly. It can lower the self-esteem, even though that individual lost weight.

Body contouring procedures are available to help reduce the amount of excess skin or aimong for fat reduction in order to re-contour the body to look its best. Body sculpting procedures can involve a thigh lift, tummy tuck, breast lift or even liposuction. This can also help patients who have are at healthy weight but still have excess fat in particular areas. Another popular cosmetic procedure within this group is non-surgical body contouring, such as laser body shaping. however, most of the side effects discussed in this article do not apply to this non-invaseive technique.

Here are the occasional body contouring side effects that you should know about.


One of the most common side effects associated with body sculpting procedures is scarring. With any procedure scars are inevitable. However, surgeons try their best to limit the visibility of these scars.

Related: Minimizing Liposuction Scars

The scars from body contouring can usually be hidden along the bikini line, under the breasts, or even under the armpit.

But, it’s not always possible to hide scarring from body contouring procedures. So be aware that visible scarring may occur. Some people don’t heal well from scars and a keyloid buildup can occur due to improper scarring. If this occurs it’s best to talk to your plastic surgeon about your options.

During the body contouring process more than 25lbs can be removed at one time. This means that some incisions can be deep and extensive. This can lead to more stress on sutures and stitches. They may require wraps that have to hold the suture together in order to heal properly.

But, if the patient has a history of skin problems then there is an increased risk of a wound problem developing. It also might mean that the suture separates after the procedure. In rare cases post-surgical care is required in order to minimize scarring.

Altered Skin Sensation

With non-invasive body contouring techniques, such as Radio Frequency or Laser Body Shaping you may notice temporary changes in skin sensation, itching or minor bruising, that typically resolves in a few days. Radiofrequency (RF) body contouring is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that uses RF energy to heat the skin and underlying tissue, targeting fat cells increasing blood circulation and lymph flow in the treatment area. This can result in skin tightening and improved body contours. Laser body contouring reduces the size of fat cells that are just beneath the surface of the skin.

Excess Fluid

There are some issues that are more unique to body contouring procedures. One of these unique conditions is excess fluid that is trapped in the body, also known as seroma.

This can occur due to excess fluid that previously had 25 pounds of flesh to flow through. It means that the fluid has to build up elsewhere. It is a fairly simple condition to treat. The treatment involves drainage; however the tubes that are used during the draining process may be to be left in the body for a week at a time. This is a rare condition and how it’s handled on a case by case basis. It is important to be aware that this could occur following a body contouring procedure.

Internal Bleeding

Internal bleeding can occur with any procedure or trauma. So, it is a potential side effect for those undergoing body contouring. Internal bleeding can be cured very similarly to that of seroma. Excess blood is usually drained. It’s important though to find the source of bleeding. It may require additional surgery. Infection is also a side effect that can occur with any procedyre that require breaking the skin.

It is important to note that private procedures have a decreased chance of infections than those in a hospital setting.


Perhaps one of the most common side effects that is unique to body contouring procedures is that of overexertion. Usually as patients recover they feel much lighter on their feet. This gives them the notion that they can go back to their usual tasks or even more strenuous activities. This is dangerous as it can result in the tearing of sutures. It’s important to hold off on any strenuous activities until getting the clear from the doctor.

Related: Life After Liposuction

Surgical body contouring side effects are no more risky than those associated with any other cosmetic surgery procedure. If surgery is not an option for you, there are less invasive body contouring and fat removal treatments available.

It’s important to stay healthy and follow your doctor’s orders. A cosmetic surgery patient can go into a procedure with ease of mind knowing what may lie ahead.

Body contouring procedures can truly change your life and give the confidence-boost you deserve.

Body Contouring Consultation in Barrie, Ontario

If you are in Ontario, considering body contouring or other cosmetic surgery procedures, the best way to find out which procedure is right for you and what are the expected adverse effects and risks, is to request a personal consultation with our board-certified plastic surgeon in Barrie. Our plastic surgery centre is located 40 minutes north of Toronto.

Schedule a cosmetic surgery consultation here.