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How To Prepare For a Chemical Peel

There is no escaping the aging process. A lot of people prefer to age gracefully while others enjoy fighting it with everything they have. There is a popular treatment that many people use to fight the negative effects of aging, and it’s called a chemical peel.

Most people are able to get decent results from the treatment. There are many similar treatments that hide behind a catchy name but do not provide the greatest results. A chemical peel is the exact opposite of these treatments. This treatment involves the use of chemicals.

Although it might not sound very appealing, this form of treatment provides results. It’s simple. A doctor applies chemicals to the skin, and these chemicals cause layers of the skin to peel away. Sunspots and other skin imperfections are removed with a chemical peel.

In most cases, a chemical peel makes a person look significantly younger. But as with all medical treatments, the results will vary. Everyone has different skin, so there is no way to tell a patient exactly what type of results they can expect. But, for the best results, patients should prepare for the treatment.

How to Prepare For a Chemical Peel

If you are thinking about a chemical peel, you need to prepare for the appointment. Adequate preparation will ensure you get the best results possible. It is not uncommon for a chemical peel treatment to require weeks of preparation.

There are preparation tips that your doctor will give you, and there are general tips that you can use to prepare. Many patients will need to apply Retinol. However, this isn’t the only skincare product that can be used. The level of preparation that is needed for a chemical depends on the depth of the peel.

For people receiving a deep peel, preparation might be several months. Patients ensure they receive the best results possible by getting their skin ready.

Using Retinol

A lot of cosmetic surgeons recommend patients use an OTC (over the count) product like Retinol. The reason why most people use Retinol is because it is an OTC product that provides the strength of a prescription. It is a good idea to start applying Retinol about one month before the procedure.

Retinol is used for gentle skin exfoliation, and it helps to remove dead skin. The goal is to make the chemical peel work as evenly as possible. However, patients might want to stop Retinol a couple of days before they have the treatment performed. This reduces the risk of irritation.

Other Products

There are other products you can use to prepare for a chemical peel. Unfortunately, many people are sensitive to Retinol. They need milder types of AHA cream if they want to accomplish healthy exfoliation. A lot of chemical peels involve the use of alpha-hydroxy acid.

Some use an AHA cream for hyperpigmentation on their face. Also known as dark patches, hyperpigmentation can be treated with bleaching agents.

Patients may treat dark patches while preparing for a chemical peel. It is important for patients to moisturize daily. For an anti-aging peel, patients can use retinol and antioxidants before the procedure.

For an anti-pigmentation peel, patients can use kojic acid or other lightening agents. Patients with acne might want to use salicylic acid and low-dose retinol.

Ask your cosmetic surgeon for specific preparation information.