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Preparing for Transformation: A Comprehensive Self-Care Guide Before Plastic Surgery

Undergoing plastic surgery is a significant decision that can be transformative not only physically but emotionally and psychologically. It’s vital to approach this journey well-prepared, understanding that the steps you take before surgery can profoundly affect both the outcomes and your recovery process. This guide provides a comprehensive look at how to prepare for your surgery physically and mentally, ensuring you are as ready as possible for the changes to come.

Pre-Operative Preparation

Preparation before plastic surgery isn’t just about meeting medical requirements; it’s about setting the stage for optimal results. Good preparation helps minimize the risk of complications, reduce stress during recovery, and can even enhance the healing process. By being in the best possible health before the procedure, you position yourself for a smoother recovery and better overall results.

Setting Realistic Expectations and Understanding Risks

One of the first steps in your surgical journey is understanding what the surgery can and cannot do for you. It’s crucial to have realistic expectations to feel good about your decision. Unrealistic expectations can lead to disappointment, or worse, the perception of surgery as a failure, even if the procedure is technically successful. Discuss thoroughly with your surgeon what the outcomes might look like, and understand the potential risks involved. Each type of surgery comes with its own set of considerations, so knowing these can help you weigh the benefits against the risks.

Choosing the Right Plastic Surgeon

Selecting a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon is perhaps the most critical step. Look for certifications, particularly from the American Board of Plastic Surgery, which indicate they have undergone rigorous training and adhere to high standards. Research their reputation, read reviews, and consider their area of specialization to ensure their expertise matches your needs.

Questions for Your Consultation

When you meet with potential surgeons, come prepared with questions:

  • What are your qualifications and experience in this type of surgery?
  • Can you provide before-and-after photos of past procedures?
  • What can I expect in terms of recovery and potential complications?
  • How do you handle unexpected outcomes or complications?

Pre-Operative Tests and Evaluations

Your surgeon will request a series of medical tests to ensure you are fit for surgery. These might include blood tests, imaging studies, or evaluations like an EKG, especially if anesthesia is required. For instance, procedures such as abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) often require general anesthesia, necessitating comprehensive pre-operative evaluations. Conversely, less invasive, facial surgery procedures like blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) typically require fewer pre-operative tests and may use local anesthesia, which involves less preparation.

Discussing Your Medical History

It’s essential to be open about your medical history and any medications you’re taking. Some conditions, like cardiovascular problems or diabetes, can affect your surgery and recovery. Similarly, certain medications can interfere with anesthesia or blood clotting. Full disclosure ensures your safety and optimizes your care.

Nutrition and Dietary Considerations

Nutrition plays a crucial role in your recovery. Prioritize a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals that promote healing. Avoid supplements and foods that might increase bleeding risk, such as omega-3 fatty acids, green tea, and certain herbal supplements. Tailor your diet to the type of surgery; for instance, if undergoing procedures like liposuction, maintaining a stable weight with a balanced diet is essential before the surgery to optimize results. In contrast, surgeries involving digestive areas, such as certain cosmetic abdominal surgeries, might require a more adjusted diet to minimize digestive distress.

Managing Emotional Impacts

The emotional response to plastic surgery can vary significantly depending on the type of surgery. For facial surgeries like rhinoplasty, patients might feel anxious about changes to a very visible part of their identity. Conversely, body surgeries such as breast augmentation or a breast implant removal might evoke strong feelings related to body image and self-esteem. It’s important to acknowledge and address these varied emotional responses, whether through counseling or participating in support groups that allow you to share and learn from others’ experiences.

Practical Arrangements

Differentiate your preparations based on the scale and impact of the surgery. For minor procedures like minor facial surgeries, your focus might primarily be on arranging transportation and a day or two of rest. For more significant surgeries like breast augmentation or major liposuction, you might need to arrange for more extended time off work, help at home for tasks like cooking and childcare, and perhaps even special garments to support recovery.

The Day Before Surgery

Your final preparation involves specific steps:

  • Ensure you follow any fasting instructions provided by your surgeon.
  • Pack essentials for the clinic stay, like personal ID, comfortable clothing.
  • Plan for a good night’s sleep, as good rest is crucial before surgery.

Comprehensive guides for different cosmetic surgeries

Check out our tailored guides for different plastic surgery procedures.


Deciding to undergo plastic surgery is not just about the physical transformation — it’s a commitment to preparing yourself in every way possible. The effort you put into getting ready, from picking the right doctor to managing your diet and following the necessary pre-surgery guidelines, can support a smoother process and recovery.

Key takeaways:

  • Effective pre-operative planning helps a smoother recovery.
  • Understand what the surgery can realistically achieve and the potential risks involved.
  • Choosing a qualified surgeon is crucial for a successful outcome. 
  • Adjust your diet to improve healing and minimize complications.
  • Follow all given instructions and ensure everything is set for your hospital stay.

Embrace this transformative experience with knowledge and preparation, and look forward to the changes that await. 

Plastic Surgery Consultation in Barrie

Situated on the tranquil shores of Lake Simcoe in Barrie, Ontario, just 40 minutes north of Toronto, Royal Centre of Plastic Surgery offers state of the art surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures.

If you are considering a plastic surgery or other cosmetic enhancement, Dr.Dickie will evaluate your individual case, options and expectations to provide the care you need if you choose to proceed. Schedule a consultation!