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Should I Worry About Breast Lift Complications?

Are you considering breast lift surgery but are concerned about possible complications? Worrying about how a surgical procedure will impact such a sensitive part of the body is entirely natural. Read on to learn more about what you need to know about breast lift complications.

Although relatively safe, there are certain risks associated with breast lift surgery, so being able to trust your doctor is crucial. Choosing a board-certified plastic surgeon experienced in mastopexy procedures can help reduce the likelihood of complications. Here is a list of potential health and aesthetic risks that you should be aware of.

What Are The Health Risks?

Infection is a concern following any type of surgery and is one of the most common breast lift complications. Symptoms typically appear within six weeks following surgery and may include severe swelling and redness, discharge and pain, a foul smell, or fever.

General anaesthesia is typically used during breast lift surgery and may be a possible problem. Your risk of complications from anaesthesia depends on the type that is used, as well as your health. This can pose one of the most serious potential breast lift complications.

A hematoma is an accumulation of blood that can become trapped below an incision. It can cause pain, infection, and the formation of scar tissue. Larger hematomas may need to be removed through surgery because they can lead to the death of nipple and breast tissue if left untreated. Situations like these should warn possible patients away from discount offers.

Are Health Hazards The Only Risks?

Unfortunately no, there is also the craft of the surgeon to consider, with regard to the surgery’s aesthetic outcome. If the patient trusts her body to someone unqualified or under-prepared for this specific procedure, then it’s possible that the final outcome could be compromised.


For a few months after the procedure, breast lift scars will be noticeable. These scars should then begin to fade. While every effort should be made by your surgeon to hinder scarring, breast lift scars can appear if they form abnormally.

Breast Asymmetry

Small differences in the size or shape of breasts can appear after the procedure. Asymmetrical nipple placement can be a problem. Breast asymmetry is one of the most common risks of breast lift surgery but in most cases, it is minor. However, if the imbalance is extreme, it can be revised through additional surgery.

Altered Sensitivity

Loss of sensitivity in the breast or areola is a normal side effect following surgery and is usually temporary. In some cases, women may experience heightened sensitivity, which is also typically a transitory risk of breast lift surgery. This happens because, during surgery, the nerves that bring sensation to the breasts are severed. It may take several months for these nerves to regenerate and for sensation to fully return.

How is Breastfeeding Impacted?

Luckily, the idea of breast surgery doesn’t have to interfere with breastfeeding. The milk glands are not separated from the nipple during the procedure, so breastfeeding is typically not affected. A good doctor will work with great care to preserve the milk ducts during nipple repositioning. Only in very rare cases are the ducts affected.

What’s Next?

Seek out someone with years of experience, in order to minimize the risk.

Dr. Kenneth Dickie offers patients a personable approach to cutting-edge surgical and non-surgical procedures.  We proudly offer plastic surgery services to Barrie, Collingwood, Sudbury, Orillia, Huntsville, Bracebridge and surrounding areas.

Schedule an in-depth consultation to see if breast lift is right for you.

Related Resources

Read more about what to expect from breast lift surgery in these useful resources: