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Gummy Bear Implants Pros and Cons | The Complete Guide

What are Gummy Bear Breast Implants?

Relatively new to the market, Gummy Bear Implants are a type of breast implant that was developed by Dr. Grant Stevens, a prominent plastic surgeon in California.  He says these implants maintain their shape when cut in half, similar to gummy bears, and are the adult version of being like kids in a candy store!

The silicone  implants are made of a cohesive gel which is stable and keeps its shape. Cohesive gel implants resemble more to breast tissue than traditional saline or silicone breast implants. When they are implanted into the body, they have a very real, natural look and for many people, they are the ideal solution to breast augmentation desires and an alternative to traditional silicone gel implants.

Related: What you need to know about explant surgery

Pros of Gummy Bear Implants

Breast augmentation surgery procedures, an elective cosmetic surgery are becoming increasingly popular. It is largely due to the advancing technology that has allowed the creation of very life-life looking breasts to be surgically inserted into the body, and many people are taking full advantage.

Natural Look and Feel

That is indeed one of the major pros of choosing a gummy bear implant: many people cannot even tell from the outside that they are fake.  When touched they feel natural, to the user they feel natural, and to an outside observer, they look natural.  This is partly due to their high strength silicone gel material, which so perfectly holds its shape when inserted. A cohesive gel implant has a more natural feel and appearance than a traditional silicone implant.


Another positive reason why gummy bear implants may be a good option to consider is because they are safer than other types of implants and have a much lower rupture rate.  Other types of implants, previously used, have not been made of a silicone that is as natural in feel and look, or as comfortable for the user, and also which has had higher incidences of rupture or complications.  

In addition, gummy bear implants do not present the risk of leaking within the body.  Other types of traditional implants leave some women feeling like they have water inside their breasts, or in other cases, if the shell breaks inside, liquid is allowed to leak out. Because of the material of gummy bear implants there is no risk of this occurring.

Gummy implants are textured and according to Healthline, this reduces the risk of capsular contracture, a common complication of breast augmentation surgery. This condition arises when the surrounding tissue of the breast implant becomes unusually constricted or thickened, resulting in asymmetry and discomfort.

Long-lasting breast Implants

Finally, gummy bear implants last up to 25 years for many people, with only about twenty percent needing to have them removed after ten years or less.  For many people, this is the one and only breast implant they need to have during their life.

Cons of Gummy Bear Breast Implants

While there is a lot of good things about gummy bear implants, there are also some cons associated with the procedure and the implants.  


One of the most predominant of these is the cost. These breast implants are almost double the cost of certain saline implants and are typically more expensive than other silicone options, ranging between $6,000 and $12,000 for the procedure.


While the surgical procedure is very similar to that of other breast implants, they do require a longer incision site, and as such, some doctors warn there is a greater risk of scarring, or that the scar they produce will be larger and more noticeable.  While for some patients this is not the case, it is important to understand the procedure of insertion before committing.

Long-term Effects

Finally, these breast implants are relatively new.  They have not had the years of testing in human subjects that other options have had, simply because they haven’t been around for long enough.  That also means that they have not been implanted in any patients for a significant number of years to have definitive studies done on the long-term effects.  As one doctor noted, just because they are new doesn’t mean they are better.

Related: Understanding the different types of breast implants

Schedule a Breast Augmentation Consultation in Barrie

There are a variety of breast implant types in the market and it can be confusing to figure out which one is best for your breast augmentation goals. It is crucial to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon who can guide your decision and evaluate your individual circumstances.

Our plastic surgery clinic is located in Barrie, 40 minutes north Toronto. Request an in-depth consultation with Dr. Dickie to explore your options for breast augmentation, breast reconstruction and other possible cosmetic enhancements that you might be contemplating.

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