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Author page: Kenneth Dickie

3 Benefits of Non-Surgical Cosmetic Procedures

3 Benefits of Non-Surgical Cosmetic Procedures

1. Quick, Cheap and Easy There’s no denying that when we look great, we feel great. It’s little wonder that more people than ever are realizing the benefits of non-surgical cosmetic treatments. Procedures such as Botox, dermal fillers, and laser hair removal can work wonders on our appearance, despite being quicker, cheaper and easier than more advanced surgical procedures. Botox,…

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The Ups, Downs, Over and Unders of Breast Implants

The Ups, Downs, Over and Unders of Breast Implants

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons breast augmentations were in the top 5 cosmetic surgeries performed in 2020. With its popularity comes an increase in information and knowledge that potential patients must consider. After determining what size, shape, and type of fill they want for breast implants, implantees are left to consider where they want them positioned. Over…

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Why More Men are Opting for Cosmetic Surgery

Why More Men are Opting for Cosmetic Surgery

While not every man is a movie star, and men tend to be (perhaps) less self-conscious when it comes to their looks, exuding youth and masculinity in the workplace is often associated with success. While sophistication in appearance is still important to men, looking old can give others  the sense that they’re over-the-hill, tired, or part of a bygone era.…

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Want to Enhance Your Lips? Consider Lip Fillers

Want to Enhance Your Lips? Consider Lip Fillers

Scrolling through images of models or celebrities online, you’ve probably seen the current trend toward pillowy, full lips. It’s a youthful, fresh look and one that is attainable through lip injections. But perhaps you don’t want that kind of fullness. Instead, you may want to counteract some of the effects of aging such as fine lines around the mouth, a…

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