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Author page: Kenneth Dickie

Why Everyone is Talking about Restylane Injections

Why Everyone is Talking about Restylane Injections

Did you know that there have been 20 million injections of Restylane® since it was approved by the FDA 20 years ago? It’s quickly become the go-to procedure for women looking to add volume to their lips. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) recently reported that over 27,000 lip procedures were done in the United States last year, up…

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How to Fight Aging After 60

How to Fight Aging After 60

  You can still feel the youth in your heart and soul, but since you’ve hit 60, it seems like time is only speeding up. Every day, your bones ache a little more and you discover more wrinkles and gray hairs. Nobody can stay young forever but it is possible to slow the process and minimize those tell-tale signs of…

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Why Abdominoplasty is More Attainable Than You Think

Why Abdominoplasty is More Attainable Than You Think

Are you suffering from back pain, joint paint, or have excess skin due to extreme weight loss? Well, there are some surgical solutions that can help you feel better physically while feeling better about the skin you’re in today. There’s a routine, safe surgery called Abdominoplasty or more commonly referred to as a tummy tuck and there are many reasons…

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Should I Worry About Breast Lift Complications?

Should I Worry About Breast Lift Complications?

Are you considering breast lift surgery but are concerned about possible complications? Worrying about how a surgical procedure will impact such a sensitive part of the body is entirely natural. Read on to learn more about what you need to know about breast lift complications. Although relatively safe, there are certain risks associated with breast lift surgery, so being able…

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5 Myths About Laser Hair Removal, Busted

5 Myths About Laser Hair Removal, Busted

Whenever you’re about to undergo any type of procedure, it’s important to understand all the details. Like other types of cosmetic treatments, laser hair removal is occasionally misunderstood. Before you decide to visit the specialist, make sure that you inform yourself about some of the most common myths. Pain Many hair removal processes involve harsh chemicals, waxes, plucking and pulling…

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How Long Does Botox Last?

How Long Does Botox Last?

It’s finally started to happen – you’re beginning to notice tiny little lines around your eyes and on your forehead. You’re beginning to look older and tired, and you don’t like it. What can you do to change this situation? Advanced cosmetic treatments, such as BOTOX injections can help restore the skin’s youthful appearance. You’re probably wondering how long they…

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