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5 Myths About Laser Hair Removal, Busted

5 Myths About Laser Hair Removal, Busted

Whenever you’re about to undergo any type of procedure, it’s important to understand all the details. Like other types of cosmetic treatments, laser hair removal is occasionally misunderstood. Before you decide to visit the specialist, make sure that you inform yourself about some of the most common myths. Pain Many hair removal processes involve harsh chemicals, waxes, plucking and pulling…

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How Long Does Botox Last?

How Long Does Botox Last?

It’s finally started to happen – you’re beginning to notice tiny little lines around your eyes and on your forehead. You’re beginning to look older and tired, and you don’t like it. What can you do to change this situation? Advanced cosmetic treatments, such as BOTOX injections can help restore the skin’s youthful appearance. You’re probably wondering how long they…

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5 Procedures That Are Cheaper Than You Think

5 Procedures That Are Cheaper Than You Think

Plastic surgery procedures tend to be perceived as expensive because they’re often linked to celebrities who feel they have to invest in staying young for the camera. However, over the past couple of decades, the proliferation of technology has driven down the costs of procedures while increasing their effectiveness. No longer do patients have to struggle through painful, expensive procedures…

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What if Your Spouse Doesn’t Want You to Get Cosmetic Surgery

What if Your Spouse Doesn’t Want You to Get Cosmetic Surgery

According to, “Over 300,000 cosmetic procedures are performed each year in Canada.” Cosmetic surgery has become more commonplace, and attitudes toward it are changing as people recognize that patients’ reasons are personal and complex. Of course, if you’re considering cosmetic surgery, you may face opposition from others, including those you’re closest to. If you’re certain that this is the…

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Let’s Dispel These Chemical Peels Myths

Let’s Dispel These Chemical Peels Myths

Scenario: you’ve got aging, acne-scarred skin. You go for a chemical peel, only to have your skin burnt, forcing you into hiding for weeks… except this isn’t what’s going to happen. The reality is that many of the horror stories around chemical peels are myths. Here are some of the common myths about chemical peels, as well as the truth…

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Tired of Thigh Exercises That Don’t Work?

Tired of Thigh Exercises That Don’t Work?

You’ve been through everything to lose that baggy, sagging skin on your thighs. If there’s a new exercise, you’ve tried it. Heard about a spa treatment to tighten and tone your body? You’re the first in line for it. Yet, nothing seems to work. No matter what you do, your thighs refuse to get toned and thinner. It’s time to…

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