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Author page: Kenneth Dickie

How Long Does It Take To Recover After Breast Lift Surgery?

How Long Does It Take To Recover After Breast Lift Surgery?

Most women considering a breast lift procedure to address sagging breasts, worry about the expected recovery time of this cosmetic surgery. If you are considering breast lift surgery (mastopexy), chances are that you have some questions about the healing process. Knowing how long it takes to get back on your feet is important, as you will need to make arrangements…

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Know The Different Types Of Facial Implants

Know The Different Types Of Facial Implants

Popular Types of Facial Implants Facial implants aren’t meant to completely change the way you look. Instead, these plastic surgery procedures are designed to help you get the most out of what you already have by augmenting your features. Facial contouring through implants is typically performed on the jaw, cheek and chin areas of your face. Jaw Implants These types…

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4 Things To Know Before Facial Surgery

4 Things To Know Before Facial Surgery

Similar to any other medical procedure, it’s always best to have an idea what you’re getting into before choosing to undergo the process. In terms of facial surgery, the questions that you ask yourself should be focused on your expected results, as well as finding out more about the person who’s performing the procedure. Expect Improvement Sometimes, when people opt…

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Is An Arm Lift Worth It?

Is An Arm Lift Worth It?

The answer is dependent on what you’re looking for. Arm lifts are for specific purposes and carry with them specific possibilities. Here’s some information that might help you decide: What Exactly Is an Arm Lift? The first step in deciding whether an arm lift is for you is determining exactly what the procedure does. According to the American Society of…

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Know The Medical Reasons For A Tummy Tuck

Know The Medical Reasons For A Tummy Tuck

  Tummy tuck, also known as it’s medical name of abdominoplasty, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that removes loose skin and fat from the abdomen and tightens the muscles so that the stomach appears flat and toned rather than loose and flabby. It’s commonly seen as a “Mommy Makeover,” performed on women after giving birth to quickly restore their body…

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Cosmetic Procedures and Reconstructive Surgery for Burn Victims

Cosmetic Procedures and Reconstructive Surgery for Burn Victims

Being the victim of a fire related injury is traumatic to say the least. Unlike other incidents that leave their victims with broken bones, which heal with time, victims of fire are left permanently scarred with a reminder of the horrific event. While this is painful, people ignorant to your situation may literally add insult to injury by questioning or…

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