If you are considering a cosmetic surgery or already have one planned, your preparation process will be critical to your success. You must prepare for your procedure mentally and physically.
Start the planning process weeks in advance so that you can take time off of work and coordinate the help of a friend or a family member for your post-surgical care requirements.
Do Your Research to Find the Best Cosmetic Surgeon
When searching for the proper cosmetic surgeon, consider only those who are certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. The certification indicates that the surgeon has met stringent education and experience requirements. Also, consider the setting of the procedure.
The facility must be accredited by a recognized agency like the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities. The facility should also be licensed by the state and be Medicare certified.
Make Yourself Aware of the Benefits and Risks
Take all of the time that you need to fully understand the nuances of the cosmetic procedure. Immerse yourself in the information to understand each aspect of the procedure and make a thorough evaluation by considering the benefits and risks before committing. Also, be sure to provide your medical history and undergo an evaluation for the specific procedure.
Consider How Limited You Will be After the Procedure and Plan Accordingly
The time to plan your follow-up care is weeks before the operation actually occurs. Meet with a friend or family member and discuss what your post-operative care will involve. You might need help getting around, bathing or performing errands. Make sure that your doctor is available for follow-up care whenever necessary as well.
A Full Health Evaluation
The cosmetic surgery planning process also involves an evaluation of your health, your personal habits and the taking of pre-operative photographs. During these procedures, you will discuss the type of anesthesia that will be used and the facility where the surgery will be performed.
Those who smoked before the operation should not plan on resuming the habit after the surgery. Smoking is strongly discouraged for all patients who undergo cosmetic surgeries. A ride home from the operating facility should be coordinated so that the patient does not have to drive home without assistance. If you prefer to stay in the hospital for a full day, those plans should be arranged before the operation as well.
Royal Centre of Plastic Surgery
If you are planning your cosmetic surgery, the Royal Centre of Plastic Surgery can help. We perform a number of operations that improve the look and feel of your body. Reach out to us today to learn more information.